Course plan

We provide overview and learning activities for reproducible research, where you create "Digital Math" reproducible publications that other people can reproduce - run - in a web browser.

You will be active - that's how you learn best. We as teachers will provide brief overview and mentoring, work together and discuss with your peers!

We are organizing the panel debate "Solving the reproducibility crisis in the digital era" with top Swedish Journalist Hanne Kjöller and members of Swedish Parliament on December 14, join the debate!

Digital Math - DigiMat trailer/overview


KI President Ottersen describes the problem concisely;

We are in the midst of what some have called a research reproducibility crisis. While scientific discovery and complexity are developing at an unprecedented speed, less than 50% of scientific research studies can be reliably replicated. Left unchecked, this troubling fact may threaten our ability to generate sound, evidence-based knowledge that meets society’s needs. It is time to look beyond the traditional measures of quality and re-examine the very concept of quality itself.

Recently highlighted by Hanne Kjöller, previously by Lorena Barba, National Academies of Sciences (USA)

Illustration: In school one may not only give the answer to a problem - "show your work!". In research it is ofter not possible to see or reproduce how the answer was derived or constructed, why is it so?

Problem - examples

  1. Macchiarini case

    "Star" scientist at Karolinska Institutet, breakthrough in transplantation of artificial trachea, turned out to be falsified scientific results, 7 patients died.

  2. Ioannidis - Ioannidis, J. P. (2005). Why most published research findings are false. PLoS medicine, 2(8). (9000+ citations in 2020)


I Johan Jansson at KTH have driven the development of digitalization in the form of Open Source ("Digital Math") as a solution to the reproducibility crisis since 2003, the framework has become a de-facto world standard for advanced mathematical modeling. I lead the largest online course DigiMat Pro at KTH based on this with 30000+ participants.

In the US there are now guidelines for requiring the publication of the "digital objects" (Open Source), in the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. A leader of the development has been Lorena Barba, Professor at George Washington University.

Lorena Barba says in Physics World:

What we are calling for is changing those norms to give importance to the full set of digital objects that are part of a scientific study and acknowledging that the scientific paper is insufficient today in its methods section to include all of the information needed for another researcher to confirm the results or build from those results.

The technology exists to achieve this, there have been technical solutions since the 80s and 90s.


We present the Digital Math framework as the foundation for modern science based on constructive digital mathematical computation. The computed result (coefficient vector, FEM function, plot, etc.) is a mathematical theorem, and the mathematical Open Source code, here in the FEniCS framework, and computation is the mathematical proof. We can also derive additional constructive proofs from the FEniCS and FEM formulation, such as stability.

Unlocks predictive aerodynamics, turbulence, biomedicine etc. with Digital Math/FEniCS/DFS, reproducible science, motivation for Digital Math learning.

We build on the work by Turing, Gödel for mechanization/digitalization of math.

Satisfies reproducibility and replicability required by modern science [Barba et. al.]

FEniCS provides high abstraction level for FEM and PDE - understandable Digital Math.

Digital Math learning activities and more info on the course page!